Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Web-based lesson

Topic(s): Introduction to Blogs as a Collaborative tool                                  

Time: 15-20 min

Audience: Graduate students pursuing a doctorate degree in Instructional Technology and Distance Education at Nova Southeastern University in Florida. The classes in this program are entirely online and the students are a diverse group who, for the most part, have not met in person.

Purpose of lesson: This lesson is intended to introduce the concept of blogging to the students. Blogging, using Google Blogger or a similar platform, is a good way to introduce yourself to students and parents, as well as collaborate in graduate school or in a work environment. This lesson assumes the learner already has a Google account.

Students will be able to define the term blog and give an example of a situation where blogging could be used as a collaboration tool.

Students will be able to write an introduction blog entry and share with their peers in class by adding their group/partner as authors on the blog.


1. Please watch this short video on blog basics:

3. You will need to open a separate tab and access Google, sign in to your account, and choose the "Blogger icon" from the grid.


1. Please watch this video about setting up a blog and why blogging is a good tool to use for collaboration:

2. As you watch the video, you might want to pause the video to set up your own blog, add a post and share the blog with me and another student in your group by adding authors to the blog.

Evaluation: After you have set up your own blog and added authors, please complete this short survey to evaluate the lesson: Lesson feedback


ISTE standards retrieved from

WPMU Dev (2013). What is a blog? Retrieved from:

Teacher Training Videos (2015). Quick introduction to blogging for students and teachers. Narrated by Russell Stannard. Retrieved from:

Web-based lesson

Topic(s): Introduction to Blogs as a Collaborative tool                                   Time: 15-20 min Audience : Graduate stude...